This mod adds Ferrari Enzo to the game. Enjoy!
2002 Ferrari Enzo
Converted from Forza 3
Can be customized with:
-windows tint
-rimsReplaces: Hundai Tiburon
If you dont know how open *.7z files download lates version of WinRar and open it with it.
1. Copy geometry.bin & textures.bin to …NFS UndergroundCARSTIBURON and replace original files,
make sure to backup original files.
2. Use NFS-CfgInstaller to install Ferrari Enzo.u1car as this file contains wheels positions!!!Now the folowing steps aren’t obligatory, you may skip them, if you’re lazy
3. Use NFS-TexEd to install manufacturer_logo & secondarylogo;
to do this open file FrontB.lzc located in FRONTEND folder with NFS-TexEd
Find file #42 CARSELECT_MANUFACTURER_ and replace it with
Find file #306 SECONDARY_LOGO_TIBURON and replace it with
4. Use NFS-LangEd to change car name:
Open file English.bin which is in NFS UndergroundLANGUAGES folder
and find ID #2866 CAR_NAME_TIBURON_EUROPE and change it to Ferrari EnzoYou can download NFS-TexEd & NFS-LangEd Here
Instalation complete, enjoy the car!
Turn 10 Studios – mesh & texturesnfsu360 – NFSU2 ModTools
McLaren_3Dcm – converting in to NFS U2
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