30 Sep 2018
17.047 MB
Removed because of the copyright claim
This mod adds (PA – 2LW) Nightmare at Skolgva: Addendum (Defense of Skolgva) to Ravenfield.
TEXTURES ON CUSTOM CHARACTER MODELS IN CUSTOM MAPS ARE BROKEN IN BETA BRANCH. I’m aware of this, so you don’t need to tell me, and other map makers are reporting similar issues. As far as I’m aware, nothing can be done to fix it on my end, just gotta wait for Steel. Sorry folks.
Map Type: Assault
Recommended bots: 60 or more (balance slider to at least 1/2 red or to taste)
Recommended weapons: Project Altirus: The Second Leersog War packAddendum: Excavation of a Westenlands Wars era bunker outside Lubyow uncovered additional entries of the SK files, including audio recordings, and a continuation of the unnamed soldier’s diaries.”10/22/526The nightmare ended yesterday when we all got a hold of ourselves and a couple fresh squads arrived. First thing that woke us up was the body, when we realized we hadn’t killed a single “Hollow Man” til then. When we looked at the first one we’d shot, turns out those empty eyes and that bone-white face was a gas mask. As we were finally able to catch some rest, we got our heads on straight, and explained our situation: The Hetts had been probing and ambushing us all along, and that massive attack everyone lost it over was a multi-sided raid, with one group of Hettska popping up on one end of town while another came out at another.So, the dead aren’t hunting us. That’s the good news. The bad news is, it’s been frighteningly quiet for the last day. This morning’s patrol came back and said they’re coming at us in force this time: Maybe not with a vengeance from beyond the grave, but with rifles, and possibly tanks. I’d say that’s a fair bit worse.Still, something’s off. Maybe what happened here was, indeed, just a product of our nerves all along. But the Office still scooped the story up like the morning paper. They bought our paranoid stories, seemingly without a second thought, and then acted like it was completely mundane. Like it was just another ordinary matter to resolve.Which makes me wonder… what else are they dealing with?”
This map is a post-Halloween, canonical adaptation of Nightmare at Skolgva. Raven will still be coming at the town from all sides, but the map has been redesigned for them to be armed. Meanwhile, their capture point can be taken as well, if one has the stones and lack of patience to do so instead of weathering it out.
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