This mod adds Army Helicopter to the Brick Rigs.
This is the Lego product 60046 with machine guns and a different skin.
Press J for warning lights.
Press L for lights.
press Q for Navigation lights.
Left Side Cannon (Passenger Seat): LMB – Primary Wep; MiddleMB – Secondary (Machine gun).
Right Side Machine gun (Passenger Seat): LMB – Both guns.
I removed the wheels because it were just turning to a random way.Details:
Has a Cargo Bay, a Hook, Blades (of course, duh), a Navigation panel with alot of random buttons (press Q to activate),Inside and Spot lights (L to activate), Warning lights, and it has 6 seats (including driver). the Cockpit (idk if thats how it writes) has a Bazooka Proof Glass, front can take some damage, sides are 50% armored and the back its vulnerable.Issues:
Hard to fly.
When your on air, the helicopter keeps pulling backwards (please help me fix that).
Spawn pointing at the left side.
The guns are in BETA Phase, meaning the first time I build them.
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