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8 Sep 2018
0.117 MB
This mod adds FTS Amnis to the Brick Rigs.
(Read controls&instructions before use.)
InfoAmnis is a car that can do almost everything in
terms of moving from point a to point b. Need to
drive around the city? Great maneuverability at high
speeds can do it. Road in your way is under construction?
Not a problem, now you can hover above it. Your way is
blocked by freaks on tanks? Anti-tanks rockets will burn
thm into oblivion while you are gracefuly fly into sky in
flight mode. Now ground, air and probably water if it was
here is under you control! So activate it’s ion boosters and
get ready for an unforgetable adventure!ControlsNormal mode:
WASD: standard car controls
L: Headlights
Q: toggle onoff rocket booster
LMB: Shoot hiden light MGs
MMB: Shoot anti-tank rockets
X: Toggle onoff hovermode
Hovermode (X):
WS: Move fwbk
AD: turn leftright
Alt (flight) mode
Alt: extend rocket engines
W: Rocket engines
S: Airbreaks
AD: turn LR a little bit
Mouse: standard plane controlsInstructions:1.To drive it in car mode… Just drive it like any
other car. It’s very stable even at high speed.
2.To go into hovermode press X. Controls
are simple, but it’s kinda unstabe. You
also can deactivate it any time. You can
even make a small “jump” by pressing X twice.
3.To go into flight mode activate alt mode.
You can use both car or hover modes to take off,
but it faster with hovermode. Do not hold W for
too long, use smal “burst” of thrust. Turning with
AD isn’t very good.
4.Rockets are good against other vehicles, but you
should fire them at speed <60kmh, and only in car mode. 5.You can open doors by pressing switches (NOT detonators). Top speed (car mode): 390 kmhBricks: 881
my car is flying and i not push any button plz help
Car flying when im spawn this car