Download this KIR-Arms HERMES Space Ship Mod for Brick Rigs for free and enjoy the dynamic driving and destruction physics of Brick Rigs!
This mod adds KIR-Arms HERMES Space Ship to the Brick Rigs.
Full AltMode action, WS for moving forward/backwards, AD for rotating hull CW/CCW, mouse look for positional thrusters.
Non-alt controls are Q and H for lights and WS and AD for pressure chamber doors.Be careful, it’s fragile, can explode, can crash your game, can cause your parents to not take you to McDonald’s.
Duh knowledge: don’t try to use it in Multiplayer
Pro tip: use only in God mode on your character, ship is cramped, you don’t want to bang your head and die.
Pro tip: when walking in the station, you can manualy open and close pressure chamber doors by looking at the accutator and pressing either Q or E.
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