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Hearts of Iron IV: Lamp’s Eqpt Icons
Download this Lamp’s Eqpt Icons mod for Hearts of Iron IV and lead your nation to victory and prosperity in the Second World War! Put your enemies on their back!
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22 May 2022

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59.89 MB

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This mod adds Lamp’s Eqpt Icons to the Game.

Authors description: Lamp’s Eqpt Icons

While some equipment do exist in-game, they have no corresponding icons. This MOD provides some supplementary icons for a range of arsenal in vanilla game. I designed the icons with unity in mind, so that they could blend in with Paradox’s original design.

I have also replaced some of the official icons(especially in DLC). They are too “abstract” or do not match the names. (+﹏+)~

BTW, I also make a few new additional icons for non-Paradox named weapons based on comment and feedback, however bear in mind that this mod will remain Paradox-named-centric. Suggestions welcomed.

P.S. This MOD can’t fit the Paradox-“historical” ships.

This mod includes:

Tank/Tank variantPropeller land/carrier-based aircraftJet/RocketaircraftSmall armsInfantry vehicle/Armored carArtilleryShipMissileSupport EqptNazi Germany●●●●●●●●●USSR●●●●●●●●●USA●●●●●●●●●UK●●●●●●● ●Japan●●●●●●● ●Italy●●●●●●● ●France●●●●●●● ●Poland●●●●●● ●Canada●●●●●●● ●Australia●●●●●●● ●New Zealand●●●●●●● ●South Africa●●●●●●● ●India● ●●●●●● ●Romania●● ●●● Hungary●● ●●● ●Yugoslavia●●●●●● ●Czechoslovakia●●●●●● ●Nationalist China●●●●●● ●Communist China● ●●●●● ●●Chinese warlords●●●●●● ●Manchukuo●●●●●● ●Netherlands●● ●● Mexico●● ● Spain●● ● Portugal●● ●● Turkey● ● Sweden●●●●● ●Generic●●●●● ●●●
By the way, this mod is still in progress. Please subscribe for future updates! Thank you.

If you need other language patch for this MOD, please click here:

If you really like my work and donate me, I would be very happy. (^_^)PayPal[]

Special Thanks
battleship101, Grzegrzoslaw, Sternjager, Mobius, Cyborg, Mr. Sherman, CrazyZombie, Slipslime, Vatlandsguten, Wingnut, ♥♥♥♥ off ♥♥♥♥, paszi78, MightyMagyar98, Mr.Grizzly, kimmi109, Harppi, kacperino1993, Frank Underwood, him_15, MD456, Koolah

My thanks also go to the friends who gave me advice and support but not put in the list because of my poor memory.

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Game Junkie

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