15 Jun 2019
10.602 MB
Millennium Dawn: Modern Day Mod
This mod adds Millenium Dawn – GFX Update to the Game.
“Hey, when did my Typhoon become an F-15?”
This mod has a very simple purpose – to update and solve every graphic and localisation errors. It changes and adds new icons to the tech trees to better reflect the historical acquisition and usage of equipment of respective countries. The aim of this mod is to eventually update and fix all of the icons for major and notable nations for Millennium Dawn.
***Rise of the Eastern Dragons Part 1***I decided to update the mod based on batches now instead of pumping singular updates on a daily basis. This is probably because my schedule has become tighter recently. So expect more of this in the future.
This update mostly focuses on the major powers of East Asia – South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China and Singapore. This is simply part 1 of the batch. North Korea update will come in the future.
Current list of countries worked on thus far:
– UK (Vehicle, Air, Helo tabs)
– Russia (Vehicle, Air, Helo tabs)
– Singapore (Infantry, Vehicle tabs)
– USA (Infantry, Vehicle, Air, Helo tabs)
– Germany (Vehicle, Helo tabs)
– Japan (All tabs are completed)
– Greece (Vehicle tab)
– South Korea (Infantry, Vehicle, Air tabs)
– France (Vehicle, Air, Helo tabs)
– China (Infantry, Air tabs)
– Taiwan (Vehicle tabs)Latest Changelog:
– Japan gets her naval aircraft, transports, ATGMs, Artillery, SAMs
– South Korea gets tanks, ATGMs, AAs, Artillery, MLRS, SAMs
– China gets updated Shenyang aircraft (J-11, J-15, J-16)
– Taiwan receives CM-11 Brave Tiger and the 3 CM-32 Yunpao variants.
– Singapore GFX renewed and updated with new icons.
– Canada, Belgium, USA, China, Russia, Germany, Ukraine, Italy, Israel, and many more, gets new icons for infantry weapons, tanks, APCs, etc.Credit:
Tolis for much of the infantry weapons, vehicles and aircraft for much of the Western nations and China.
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