This mod adds My Favorite Navy Theater Icons IM to the Game.
Authors description: My Favorite Navy Theater Icons IM
1.7.0 Ready! Achievements and Ironman ready!
A fun to play set of navy theater icons with 126 total icons. Several Navy Icons are color coordinated with Color Navy Ships.
New must have mods to use with my theater icons – Larger Icon Selection Box and Larger Theater Box
For a compatible version with “My Favorite Theater Icons IM” or “My Favorite Theater Icons see the following link: Navy Icons Only
Links to My Mods:
My Favorite Theater Icons
My Favorite Navy Theater Icons IM
My Favorite Theater Icons IM
Easy No Fog of War
Better Air Wing Deployment Updated
Easy No Fog of War – Plus
-Color Navy Ships
-Color Air Force Planes
No Mans Land Updated!
Navy Icons Only – Requires My Favorite Theater Icons or My Favorite Theater Icons IM
Please update.
The version on Steam is already updated.