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Hearts of Iron IV: Precise Buffs – Cheat Ideas
Download this Precise Buffs - Cheat Ideas mod for Hearts of Iron IV and lead your nation to victory and prosperity in the Second World War! Put your enemies on their back!
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6 Jun 2022

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This mod adds Precise Buffs – Cheat Ideas to the Game.

Authors description: Precise Buffs – Cheat Ideas

Precise Buffs – Cheat Ideas | 1.11.*Buff this thing. Debuff that thing.
Customize your playtrough experience as never before!
This mod features spicy buffs/debuffs menu with many options to choose from. From Monthly Population to Experience Factors. From Weekly Stability to Ace Generation Chance. Your game now has YOUR rules.

AI can’t use this buffs on it’s own, buffs are country-specific.
To buff/debuff AI country you need to tag switch and manually set the options.

[shift]+[c] shortcut
Works in Multiplayer
NOT Ironman compatible

Mods CompatibilityMods compatibility patched and verified
1930 Age of Imperialism Cold War Iron Curtain End of a New Beginning Endsieg: Ultimate Victory Equestria at War The Bread League The Great War The Great War Redux Hearts of Azeroth Kaiserredux Kaiserreich La Vittoria è Nostra Millennium Dawn: A Modern Day Mod The New Order: Last Days of Europe New Ways Novum Vexillum Old Europe 1300 Old World Blues Red Flood The Road to 56

Q&AIs it only for country you controlling?
Yes, you need to tagswitch to other country to buff/debuff it.

Can you add ?
No, I’m done with it.

Make options more precise
No, use ModifierGUI.

Make options less precise
No, use Easybuff.

Precise Buffs not working on clean game
No, it works fine even with all DLCs disabled. This is an issue on your side.

Precise Buffs not working with
Let me know in the comments.

adds overlaying menu, i can’t see Precise Buffs button
Use [shift]+[c] shortcut.

of not working
Let me know in the comments.

“Air Exp Factor” and “Navy Exp Factor” not working
No, they’re working, just not showing info when you hover over experience plates.

“Navy Fuel Consumption” not working
Yes, it isn’t. AFAIK – blame Paradox. Modifier is being applied fine, it’s just have no effect howbeit.

“Training Time” not working properly
No, it’s working as intended by the game engine. “-100%” option is here to offset various debuffs and will result in stopped training if used independently.

“General Army Size” and “Field Marshall Army Group Size” modifiers are disabled
Yes, they are. I really want to include this modifiers in the list of buffs, but they just don’t want to work properly.
Looking desperately for a workaround – let me know in the comments if you know how to apply this modifiers properly.

What’s Newv1.11r9 (22/12/21)
Millennium Dawn compatibility fixed

CreditsBrazilian/Portuguese localization – Amyr_Br
German localization – Basileus
French localization – Xinasair
Polish localization – crepper4454
Russian localization – KarmaBullet
Spanish localization – Insomnia404
Chinese localization –

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Game Junkie

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