This mod adds Radio Moscow to the Game.
This is my version of many other Soviet music mods. I actually made this in response to the fact that 1.7.0 made a lot of my favorite music mods unusable in game. such as “Songs of the Soviet Union” by Americon and Das_
I’ve also created an American music mod for the same reason called “Star-Spangled Radio”
Ironman Compatible
Song List:Ah Nastassia
Airplanes – First of All
Anthem of the Soviet Union
Anthem of the Soviet Union Alternate
Anthem of the Armenian SSR
Anthem of the Azerbaijan SSR
Anthem of the Byelorussian SSR
Anthem of the Estonian SSR
Anthem of the Georgian SSR
Anthem of the Kazakh SSR
Anthem of the Kyrghiz SSR
Anthem of the Latvian SSR
Anthem of the Lithuanian SSR
Anthem of the Moldavian SSR
Anthem of the Tajik SSR
Anthem of the Turkmen SSR
Anthem of the Ukrainian SSR
Anthem of the Uzbek SSR
Anthem of the Mongolian People’s Republic
Bella Ciao
Bolshevik Leaves Home
Civil War Songs
Dark Eyes
Dark-Eyed Cossack Girl
Echelon’s Song
Farewell of Slavianka
Flourish, Belarus
Goodbye, Germany
Greet Us, Beautiful Finland
Gunner’s Song
In the Central Steppes
Invincible and Legendary
Invincible and Legendary (Stalin Version)
Let’s Go!
March of Memories
March of Stalin’s Artillery
March of the 8th Panfilov Division
March of the Defenders of Moscow
March of the Motherland
March of the Soviet Artillerymen
March of the Soviet Tankists
Marshal Zhukov and Victory
Merry Azerbaijan
Mortar March
Moscow in May
Moscow Nights
My Army
My Country
My Moscow
Nasha Derzhava
On the Hills of Manchuria
On the Road
Parade March
Partisan’s Song
Plants and Arable Land
Polyushka Poyle
Rockets on Duty
Silver Arrows
Slavery and Suffering
Song of the Oilmen
Song of the Soviet Tankmen
The Baikal-Amur Mainline
The Battle is Going Again!
The Birch Tree
The Cliff
The Cossack Song
The Cossacks
The Guard Song
The Hunt for Red October
The Internationale
The Officers
The Red Army is the Strongest
The Road Song
The Roads
The Sacred War
The Samovars
The Sun Set Behind a Mountain
There March the Soldiers
Time Forward!
Troika Galop
Victory Day
We are Communists!
We are the Army of the People!
We are the Red Cavalry
Workers’ Marseillaise
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