This mod adds Mark XXIX Mastodon Hexapedal Heavy Assault Walker to the Brick Rigs.
Authors description: Mark XXIX Mastodon Hexapedal Heavy Assault Walker mod for Brick Rigs
Pretty Big
3812 Bricks
Around 440 metric tons (971,240 lbs) of armor, gun, and decor supported by 6 heavy duty legs.
______________CONTROLS______________• Press W to go forwards
• Press S to go backwards
• Press A or D to turn
• Aim turret with mouse in alt mode
• Press (recommended to hold for a little bit) the left mouse button to fire main cannon
• Four seats on the second level control the machine guns with mouse (NOT in alt mode)
______________FEATURES______________• Legs
• Too many bricks
• Lights and Smoke
• Room to walk
• No box
___________THINGS TO NOTE___________• Good fps recommended for best reliability
• The cannon may not fire (despite the lights and smoke working), just try firing again or respawn
• As with all mechs like this, the legs are glitchy and might phase through the ground and break several laws of physics
• Reduced FPS also reduces the speed of the mech through either feet clipping through ground or less friction
• Flat ground recommended
• If the vehicle fails to move properly, go into the editor, select any block, and place it again
• Not recommended for multiplayer
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