Download this TDAC P-51H Mustang Planes Mod for Brick Rigs for free and enjoy the dynamic driving and destruction physics of Brick Rigs!
TomLocoXD, Alex Monamochamuch
Here it is! The P-51H Mustang! Requested by voltron106! This P-51 was the fastest, strongest and the best armored P-51 in WW2! Destroy Tigers and Panzers with 4 rockets! You can also destroy the Lutwaffe with 6 MGs and 1 cannon! This took only 3 days (most of it I did at school lol) but ,as always, give us your thumbs up if you like it and add it to your favorites! We will be glad! 😀
- Fastest prop plane we’ve ever done
- 4 rockets
- 6 MGs and 1 cannon or big MG
- Made of oak
- Black and white stripes
And more!
Intructions for rockets:
1-Be sure you’re looking directly to the objective
2-Press Alt+W for turning on thrusters
3-Middle mouse button to decouple
4-Enjoy the explosions
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