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Hearts of Iron IV: Kaiserreich Anime Mod: Moereich!
Download this Kaiserreich Anime Mod: Moereich! mod for Hearts of Iron IV and lead your nation to victory and prosperity in the Second World War! Put your enemies on their back!

This mod adds Kaiserreich Anime Mod: Moereich! to the Game.

Authors description: Kaiserreich Anime Mod: Moereich!

The new home for the official anime adaptation of Kaiserreich by Soyuzmultfilm! ♥

Moereich is an anime submod for Kaiserreich that seeks to replace every in-game portrait with an anime counterpart and still stick to the spirit of Kaiserreich itself with over four thousand portraits, hundreds of event pictures, an updated and non-intrusive UI, new unit voices and much more!

We’ve just moved after the mod’s original founder departed from the project, but we’ll do our best to keep this anime adaptation your your favorite Weltkrieg map painter going. If you subscribed to us over at our old location your saves will still work as MR remains a graphics/sound only mod!

V0.13.3 – Added ministers to the West Indies, did some housekeeping. This was mostly just to test a feature in Steam, so have an early release of one of the many Entente minister rosters to come!

V0.13.2 – Update that adds full reworks several countries in Europe, Asia and Africa. Patch notes can be found here[]. A few characters were also moved around a bit for mostly thematic reasons and you can find info on where they currently reside here[]!

V0.13.1 – Hotfix that mostly addresses some teething issue when moving to the new dev build. Change log![]

V0.13.0 – Full Italian rework with hundreds of ministers, big additions to South America, and a bunch of other stuff. Full change log here![]
Three fourths of the old Moereich team also wish to welcome you to the mod’s new home on the Steam workshop!

☑ Total leader overhaul with 3300+ portraits for generals, admirals and politicians for every country in Kaiserreich! Every leader a waifu!
☑ Full minister rosters for several countries with over a thousand in the game and more to come!
☑ New voices for Russian, British, French and German units!
☑ Nearly 500 event and report pictures!
☑ New KR themed loading screens graphics and quotes! Links below!
☑ Non-intrusive anime UI for research, aces, laws and more!
☑ Non-purged hats!

CURRENT WORK 25/08/19This is what’s presently being worked on by the team and what can be expected to make it into the next update or two.

☑ Currently doing some preparation works for the China update and deciding on what countries need to be updated next in the short term.

Subject to change given how things pan out. Please feel free to ask the dev team about any specifics on our Discord!

SHORT-TERMIn the near future, we’re planning on working on these things:

☑ Keeping up with the developments of V0.9* and laying the groundwork for the mythical China update based on preview material.
☑ Finishing up the last few promised reworks in the Balkans and low countries as voted on by our Discord server.
☑ Adding ministers with accompanying reworks to the major countries

LONG-TERMIn the far-flung future, we’re hoping to do the following:

☑ Updating some of the regions untouched since the earliest versions of the mod to the current standard.
☑ Clean every background in every portrait (already the standard for newer nations)
☑ Adding more unit voices (suggestions for sources appreciated!)
☑ Replacing all event graphics
☑ Filling out the rest of the ministers
☑ Further updating the UI where applicable
☑ Maybe unit graphics in the far flung future (modelers welcome!)

Q: What about multiplayer and save game compatibility?
A: Moereich is a graphics only mod that will never break a save game nor will it cause sync issues beyond HOI4’s usual antics in multiplayer.

Q: Will this mod still run if Kaiserreich or HOI4 updates?
A: Since Moereich doesn’t alter any gameplay, events or history files, it’ll always run if you don’t mind seeing a few of Kaiserreich’s stellar portraits.

Q: What should I do if I find a glitch, portrait error or some other issue?
A: Please comment below, join our Discord or contact us through another method and describe your problem to us. Please be as descriptive of the issue as you can with names of the characters if applicable.

Q: Can I get the source for [art x]?
A: Please join our Discord server if you want sources on images. Requests made on Steam will be ignored, the comments section is for feedback and reports only.

Q: Is there a list with sources for all portraits in the mod?
A: No because there’s 4000 portraits in the mod and maintaining a gallery like that would be impossible.

Q: Can I have the loading screens?
A: Here are the V0.09.1+ loading screens[] and the old V0.01-V0.09 loading screens![] Since I’m garbage about updating it, feel free to yell at the Moereich dev on Discord if the one you’re looking for isn’t there.

Q: Are you going to do anime versions for other major mods?
A: We’re currently only working on Kaiserreich and have no plans on moving on to other mods at the time.

Q: Can I help you guys out in any way?
A: Your feedback and support is all we ask for! If you have any specific ideas for the mod, please leave them in the suggestion stickyor head to our Discord. We’ll never take any donations of any kind though and will thus never operate a Patreon or similar service. If the thought of supporting us financially ever came to mind, please direct that towards the Kaiserreich team or the artists behind your favorite art in the mod! Thank you! ♥

Q: Will you change the male names in the mod to be female?
A: No, because like any gameplay changes that’d break multiplayer compatibility and force everyone to have our mod running just to play with friends. The in-universe excuse is that this is like Fate/Stay Night and that dudes are magical anime girls because magic/reasons and no one should bat an eye about it.

Related mods:
Awoo: Momiji Console Graphic – Included in this mod, standalone requested by fans.
Kaiserreich Manpower Fix – reduces KR manpower requirements to vanilla values, great for playing smaller nations!

Team Moereich
Rei – Lead developer, responsible for most art and character placements. Yell at this person about any bugs.
Kneesocks – Art cleaner and editor.
Hystiklopp – Art editor and character assignment assistant.

Special thanks
Rinbro – Original mod founder, developer and lead art editor. Left the project in July 2019 but the legacy lives on!

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