15 Feb 2022
0.514 MB
Hearts of Iron IV: Waking the Tiger
This mod adds Vanilla Formable Nations Patch to the Game.
Authors description: Vanilla Formable Nations Patch
Unofficial patch for formable nations introduced with Waking the Tiger. Should be compatible with the majority of other mods, as it only includes events and decisions. Now updated with formable Soviet Union.
– scripting fixes for all of the 19 formable nations introduced in WTT and never fixed by Paradox
– restored missing formable nations of China (available for the warlords and Communist China when under Zhang Lan) and Germany (available for West and East Germany),
– immersive decision chain for historical communist China allowing it to transform from the Soviet Zone, through United Front and Communist Party of China into the People’s Republic of China when the requirements are met,
– formable Soviet Union for the Soviet Republics and formable Yugoslavia for the states within Yugoslavia,
– Social Republic of Italy can be formed when Italy capitulates to the Allies while being a part of faction together with Germany,
– UNFORM EVENTS (formable nation will drop it’s cosmetic tag when the formation requirements are not met anymore while at peace),
– new decision chain for the European Union (you don’t need the Eastern Germany to form it, but you can core it later),
– uncensored images for formable nations,
– decisions for the Soviet Union to achieve it’s post-WW2 historical borders after the conditions are met (these will greatly reduce the border gore in post-WW2 eastern europe),
– vanilla bug fixes (restored the missing gfx for Poland-Lithuania and Greater Germany, formable decisions fixes -wrong provinces cored etc.),
Check out my other mods from the collection above!
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