23 Nov 2021
2.050 MB
Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns
This mod adds Battle Carrier Ise to the Game.
Authors description: Battle Carrier Ise
Description:Adds modules for Battleships, Cruisers, and Submarines allowing them to use carrier aircraft. These modules can be unlocked in decision menu. These added flight decks can be applied to any Tier 1 Heavy/Super Heavy, Tier 2 Cruiser, and Tier 3 Submarine hull or up.
ModuleAircraft Capital Ship Flight Deck20 Cruiser Flight Deck10 Submarine Aircraft Hanger3
Known Issues:-Aircraft numbers must be manually assigned for each new production line
-No AI Support
Compatibility:-HOI4 1.6.x – 1.7.x
-Requires Man the Guns DLC
-No Achievements
-May conflict with other mods that alter heavy, cruiser, or submarine ship hulls.
Compatibility Patches:日本語: by Zyagaimo_Potato
Other HOI4 Mods:Battle Carrier Ise : NRM II
Cruiser Submarine Surcouf: new modules for submarines Inducing Guns turrets, Anti-Air, and Anechoic Tile
CK2 Mods:More Navigable Rivers: Vanilla | CK2Plus | Rex Teutonicorum | WtWSMS | HIP/SWMH
EU4 Mods:Not Created Equal: An Advisor skill level mod
IR Mods:Imperators’ Navigable Rivers
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