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Hearts of Iron IV: Galhynia – Fictional Eastern-European Country
Download this Galhynia - Fictional Eastern-European Country mod for Hearts of Iron IV and lead your nation to victory and prosperity in the Second World War! Put your enemies on their back!
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28 Aug 2019

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This mod adds Galhynia – Fictional Eastern-European Country to the Game.

Authors description: Galhynia – Fictional Eastern-European Country

This is my first mod so it probably does not work very well. I made it for myself, but anyone is free to use it if they want. If for some reason you want include it in your mod then just credit me and you’re good.

The mod adds a new fictional country to Eastern Europe named Galhynia. It is primarily located in the geographic/historical region of Galicia-Volhynia (thus the name). The country is on the small side, but if you enjoy playing countries like Bulgaria then you will enjoy this. Because this is a fictional nation I made up names for the leaders using Slovak, Polish, and Ukrainian names. The pictures of the 4 leaders are of real historical people, but for the sake of the mod I used their likenesses to create my leaders. The generals available use the same portraits as the Czechoslovakian generals only with the names and some traits changed. I do not know how to do focus trees yet so it just uses the generic focus tree for now at least.

– new small-medium fictional nation in Eastern Europe.
– custom flag
– unit sprites use Czechoslovakian models
– Czech division names
– Focus tree

Known Bugs
– Hammer and sickle on communist flag is backwards
– Many national spirits have no image
– No production at start

I am having some hardware issues right now so more updates might not occur for some time. My computer is on its deathbed and overheats easily which makes testing difficult. If you experience any bugs, comment and I will try to do my best to fix it.

Enjoy the mod.

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About The Author
Game Junkie

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