This mod adds Party Manager to the Game.
As of 18/02/2019, I’m working on an Overhaul version of this mod so a lot of work will be going into that as it’s going to be an overhaul.
Allows you to choose which ideology has which party and stuff like that.
Also adds the ability to add ideology traits to your current party leader. AI won’t use it as of right now.
Check images for a better idea.The idea of right-leaning democracies go Non-Aligned is possibly just a temporary thing to see how it’s received. The idea now is that Democratic Ideology is Centrist to Socialism then Communist Ideology is Socialist to Communist. Then on the other hand, Non-Aligned Ideology is Centrist to Nationalist + Absolute Monarchies and the Fascist Ideology is Nationalist to Fascist. The idea now is that Non-Aligned has been renamed to Authoritarianism, it can range from less direct democracies to absolute monarchies/neutral dictatorships. Both democracies can me left-wing or right-wing.
All current stats are subject to change for balancing.
Also for compatibility, the mod only uses base game images for the leaders but everything else is added as their own code in new files. However, may conflict with things that change restrictions on Ideologies or adds new ones all together however that’s yet to be tested.
Currently done as of current update on Steam:
United Kingdom
Kingdom of Italy
USA Military Junta
USSRCurrently being worked on for next update:
Countries to be worked on in near future (In any order):
German Reich
French Republic
Other European MinorsOther countries will be done too but the ones above will likely come beforehand.
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