This mod adds Pewdiepie v. T-series [LEGACY] to the Game.
(WARNING: This is now a Legacy Mod, No more updates will happen. It was good while it lasted)
T-series is taking Youtube by storm, its time my 9-year olds, ITS TIME TO RISE UP UNDER OUR GREAT LEADER PEWDIEPIE.
New Editions:
Renamed Raj and Sweden
New Ideas for Both
New Leaders
New Divisons
New Named States and Capitals
New Music
Instant War between Pewd’s and T-series.
Pewdiepie vs T-seriesUpdate Atlantic:
MrBeast Controls Canada
Markiplier Controls the US
More Troops for Canada, America and India
New Factions (Anti-Tseries, T-series)Update Divide:
Adds Two new Ideologies (Company/Capitalist and Independent/Hacker) – (Shoutout to somepole2004 for inspiration)
Russian CivilwarUpdate 1.6.1:
Updated to verison 1.6.1
Changed Portrait of Pewdipie
Changed Portrait of Bhushan Kumar“Update” Legacy:
(Not a Update, Just parts of the Proposed Update Endgame that I did before I closed the mod)
New Portraits
New Country CodesThis is an Instant family night game, so get your family together and play as Pewdiepie… (or T-series but who wants to right?)
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