15 Oct 2020
7.08 MB
This mod adds Poland+ to the Game.
Authors description: Poland+
The Polish DLC, despite having many interesting options can quickly become boring, and national focuses from DLC sometimes seem even weaker than those from the overall tree. Poland+ introduces improvements to an already existing scheme by adding new, interesting focuses, and strengthens existing ones to better emphasize Polands new alternative scenarios, while also remaining balanced. Current content:Strengthens and reorgenises entire polish focus tree Reworks national focuses related to industry The Four Year Plan mission and new Industrial projectsExpanded tree of national focuses for all political choicesNew national ideas such as: “Between the two powers” and “Cult of the Marshal”Plethora of new events 2 new Tank Divisions on startDanzig as a separate regionIncreases raw materials from Polish part of SilesiaNew GeneralsYou can now recreate the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth!Historically accurate German FlagNew Leaders such as Bolesław BierutNew newspapers pages[www.paypal.com]Contact e-mail: mrdziurkacz@gmail.comCheck out my other mods too: Workshop The current version of the mod: 5.2 compatible with version 1.10.* of HOII’m open to suggestions and constructive criticism, while happy to accept any form of assistance in development of this mod. A rating is welcome.In this mod I implemented my own variation on the alternative history of Poland,Which does not have to agree with the historical realities in 100%.MOD NOT COMPATIBLE WITH ACHIEVEMENTSIf you want to help me improve the English version of this mod please post in the comments below.Some assets were taken from the great mods:Kaiserreich: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1521695605&searchtext=The Road to 56: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=820260968All swastikas shown in mod serve only historical accuracy and have no intention to propagate any repressive ideologies that led to dead and suffering of millions of innocent peopleCensored version: Poland+ CensoredAttention!If you have problems with the mod I highly suggest deleting everything mod related -> clear both your local mod folder and hoi4 workshop folder in steam files (named: 394360) and then validate files to redownload them.This action itself fixed many problems with mods I personally use
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